An Unconventional Love

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My husband is a powerful man, a multimillionaire whose life revolves around business deals, high-stakes meetings, and constant travel. His demanding career means he’s often away for days, sometimes weeks, at a time. He loves me deeply and wants to give me the best of everything—but he also knows his absence leaves a void.

Rather than let that void grow into resentment or loneliness, he came up with an unusual solution. When he’s away, he arranges for other men to spend time with me. These aren’t random encounters but carefully chosen experiences, meant to ensure my desires are met in ways he simply can’t provide due to his schedule. His only request? That I record everything and share it with him.

At first, I struggled to understand why he wanted this. Was it jealousy? A way to maintain control? Or something deeper? Over time, I realized it wasn’t about distance but about staying connected in a unique way. Watching the recordings, he would ask me about every detail—what I felt, what I enjoyed, what I wanted next time. These conversations brought a level of openness and intimacy we had never shared before.

Strangely, instead of weakening our marriage, this arrangement has strengthened it. There are no secrets, no resentment—only trust, excitement, and a new level of closeness. Our love may not follow traditional rules, but in its own way, it’s more solid than ever.


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