“A few weeks ago, I cheated on my boyfriend of eight years, which he knows about. We got together pretty young, and I was his first serious girlfriend (though he wasn’t mine). I never dated around a lot — pretty much went right from boyfriend to boyfriend — and wasn’t single most of the time. We’ve been going through a series of rough patches over the past few years, due to money issues as well as his depression (which he tends to take out on me). He is NOT totally at fault because I can be impatient with his inability to change his situation, and I’m working on that. But, I saw an old fling from before I met my S.O. who’s still a friend, and we kissed. Not full-on making out, but tongue. Right afterward, I felt absolutely terrible. I told the friend that it was a mistake, and can never happen again, and he agreed (the worst part is, he has a girlfriend, too…ugh). We were drunk, but I don’t want to blame it on that.”
“I was torn about telling my current S.O. for a while — I knew it meant nothing, and I regretted it so much and was angry with myself. I lasted about a week — I don’t keep anything from him.
I still don’t know if telling him was the right decision, and he told me that he honestly doesn’t know if it was, either. I am still very upset with myself for hurting someone I love, but I’m glad that I told him.”