The guy I was having an affair with got pissed off at me because I told him I didn’t want to be involved with him anymore. (He was more serious about me then I was him, and he had already left his wife and moved into a seedy motel) He went to my house, knocked on the door and told my husband who he was! I was at work that evening when I got a call from my husband telling me what was going on at the house and to get my butt home! I had no choice but to leave work and go home and try to explain all of this to my husband. I told him the truth, I had no choice, it was out there! He saw my lover, spoke with him, he knew the deal anyways. I knew he would be angry and hurt, but I felt I had to be honest. There was no sugar coating what I had done. It was wrong, I knew that, and I didn’t want to add insult to injury by playing stupid. I was busted, and I knew it. I told the truth, but our marriage was never quite the same. The trust had been fractured, once that happens, it usually falls apart. And it did, several years later. My husband couldn’t forgive me, (although he had an affair of his own). It creates a bad situation all the way around. Without trust you don’t have a solid foundation, wondering about what your partner is doing behind your back will eat you up inside.