I hired him to take care of my lawn and garden, and we would exchange pleasantries whenever we saw each other. But as time went on, our conversations became longer and more personal. I found myself looking forward to his visits, and I could tell he felt the same way.
One day, as we were chatting in my backyard, he leaned in and kissed me. I was taken aback at first, but I couldn’t resist his charm and before I knew it, we were in each other’s arms. It was a moment of passion and desire that I couldn’t deny.
We continued to meet in secret, sneaking around behind my boyfriend back. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. The thrill of the forbidden only added to the excitement. Our encounters were passionate and intense, and I couldn’t get enough.
But as time went on, the guilt started to eat away at me. I knew I was betraying my husband and our marriage. I also knew that this affair could have serious consequences if it ever came to light. I tried to end things, but the pull towards my gardener was too strong.
I am not proud of what I have done. I have hurt my husband and betrayed his trust. I have also betrayed my own values and morals. I know that I need to end this affair and face the consequences of my actions.