For the first time since I married 15 years ago I thought I wanted to stop cheating. For roughly 45 days I was loyal not a very long time. But when you have cheated regularly, and usually at least weekly over the course of your entire dating life that was a lifetime lol.
I tried to and for the first 2 – 3 weeks it was pretty easy normal life went on and I simply didn’t even contact any of my usual BANGS. Then after about a month and only having sex with my Husband and using my toys I began to start craving bigger d**k again, more satisfying d**k, d**k other than my Hubby’s. At about the 4 week mark I began watching cheating porn. At 5 weeks I was talking to one of my old bang buddys. And right around week 6 he was bending me over my martial bed plowing my unused and unsatisfied pu**y.
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